Why You Don’t Need A Complicated Website

With so many different features and technologies, it's difficult not to over-complicate a website. The fact is that you want to have a website that is usable so that your users can have the best experience, however, most of the times, a clear interface is all that you need.

When you own a website, there's nothing worse than seeing a possible customer leaving because you annoyed him with something that you have complete control over.

The major advantage of having a simple, clean, and clear website is that when someone visits it, they can focus on what they want to see and it will be easier for them to make what you want them to do.

Here are some tips that will help you evaluate whether your website is too complicated:

#1: Designing With People In Mind:

When someone clicks to visit your website, you only have a fraction of a second where they judge it. Despite you might want to make people think or just show them how sophisticated they are, most people won't find it beautiful and will immediately hit the back button.

So, the simpler the website, the better.

#2: Easing The Process:

You can have the most amazing idea for your website but if it's too complicated, if it demands people to look at it for more than a few seconds, you're losing potential customers.

Just put yourself in the shoes of your first-time visitors for a second. Sometimes you're just browsing the Internet, looking for something that picks your interest. And suddenly, you enter on your website, where you are "asked" to think how it works and where you can access the information you were looking for. With so many different websites online, why the hell would you stay when you can easily find what you were looking for on another website that is cleaner and more intuitive?

This is why it's so important to follow people's expectations. Despite you need to make yourself unique and different to stand out at the same time, this doesn't mean you forget about your users.

The human being has the ability to prototype and stereotype. For example, if you're asked about a girl's color you probably say pink. If someone asks you about a furniture, you probably think about a bed or a table.

And with a website, this works this way as well. If you're selling ice creams, you most likely tend to have some beaches images, or the sun, for example. You won't have an image of a mountain covered with snow.

#3: Meeting People's Expectations:

No matter how much technology or different features you use on your website, there are things that will remain the same. Just to give you a simple example: can you imagine an e-commerce website without a call-to-action button where the user can easily buy the item he's looking at?

What you need to make sure is that, in the case that you have an e-commerce website, instead of making a huge selection of different colors and features to use, you should rather let the product shine. So, one good bet would be using a lot of white space and just plain colors.

Despite a website can have an amazing design for some while for others it's just junk, the fact is that the human brain keeps working the same way and it works the same for everyone. So, over-complicating a website is just like putting a STOP sign on your website and telling people to go away.

Kwame Johnson